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Docker for mac 開発環境設定

broken image
broken image
broken image

docker \m achine \m achines \d efault' export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = 'default' export COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS = 'true' # Run this command to configure your shell: # eval $('C:\Program.

broken image

$ docker-machine env default export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = '1' export DOCKER_HOST = 'tcp://' export DOCKER_CERT_PATH = 'C: \U sers \a dmin \.node0 - This will be setup as the swarm manager (or also known as swarm master) node1 and node2 - These will be other nodes that will be joined to the cluster. Three docker hosts with docker-cs 1.6 or docker open source 1.8.1 or later installed. In default setup we use following environment variable For this demo, we are not going to be using TLS / SSL, hence verify DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY is unset. The boot2docker up command will copy them to ~/.boot2docker/certs on the host machine Once the VM has started, and output the correct values for the DOCKER_CERT_PATH and DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY environment variables.